From Csepel to Tököl
Our partners in the arrangement of the routes are the Sportsclub Bike Section of Szigetszentmiklós, the SZTK-Riders and The Hungarian Bikeclub (Organism of the area of South-Pest).
Distance: 19.2 km
Route: Beachbath in Csepel (Hollandi Road, Budapest)- Üdülő sor, Szigetszentmiklós- Rév sor- Ádám Jenő Walk- Danube side nature reserve- Duna sor- Szabadkai Road- Nefelejcs-Road- Emese Park (147. Rákóczi Ferenc Street) , Szigethalom and/or Safari Park( 159. Rákóczi Ferencs Street)- Kinizsi Street-Szabadkai Road- Mű Road- Adventure Factory Adventure Park (Viola Street, Szigetszentmiklós-Gyártelep)- HÉV station, Tököl
Bike friendly restaurants: Restaurant Horgásztanya Fish and Grill, Restaurant Karám( Duna sor, Szigethalom)
Sights en route:
Swim-moors on the Small Danube, (Szigetszentmiklós), Emese Park, Familie Safari Park, Poductionhistorical Museum (next to the Adventure Factory, visiting from min. 5 persons with previous registration)