Inside „southern” circle
Our partners in the arrangement of the routes are the Sportsclub Bike Section of Szigetszentmiklós, the SZTK-Riders and The Hungarian Bikeclub (Organism of the area of South-Pest).Hungarian Bikeclub (Organism of the area of South-Pest).
Distance: 29 km
Route: Castle Savoya, Ráckeve- Eötvös Street-József Attila Street- Ady Endre Street-Móricz Zsigmond Street-Gábor Áron Street- Bajcsy Zsilinszky Street-Dundity A. Street, Lórév-Csarmojetity Arzén Street-Kossuth Lajos Street, Makád-Szabadság Street-Gyálai Road-Gyála sor- Duna sor, Királyrét- Napospart sor- Réti Street-Makádi Road- Becsei Road-Vörösmarthy Street, Ráckeve-Saint Steven Square- Ráckeve, centre
Bike friendly restaurants: Pizzeria Cadran (Ráckeve), Restaurant Incsi-fincsi, Reastaurant Horgásztanya
Sights en route: Castle Savoya, Serbian church, Calvinist church, Catholic church, Lookout, Ship-mill (Ráckeve), Zichy chapel (Lórév , on the road to the ferry-boat), Serbian church (Lórév), Calvinist church, Ezüstpart (Makád), Village Museum, Memory Museum of André Kertész, Lifetree (Szigetbecse)