Kisdunamente ajánló

The Csepel-Island, found in the South from Budapest possesses with multicoloured traditions and culture. Its locations - in  the middle of the country - settle down as pearls on the  side of the Ráckeve(Soroksár) Danube arm, waiting for its guests with  a variation of cultural, gastronomical and free-time programms .

The island is the legendary scene of the beginning of our history, its name comes from the Hungarian conquest: Leader Árpád’s chief-rider was Csepel, who had the horses of the  conquering flock here.

The „Danube” and „Ráckeve” are the first words to call, which come to mind but do not forget about the opportunities offering a thousand other relaxation.

The historical thematic park (Emese Park), the production museum  in Szigethalom, found in  the area of the Carfactory of Csepel which was the biggest industrial project  in the country, The Museum of Ship-Mill and the Serbian Church of the Assumption in Ráckeve,  the photographer André Kertész’s Memory Museum in Szigetbecse: all these places are unmissable.  Besides these, it is worth  visiting the Gál Wineyard in Szigetcsép, to get to know Éva Dignisz Gálné and her family’s prize-winning wine offer which has the prize of „the Winemaker of the Year” in 2013.

For the fans of minority-culture we recommend the programmes in Tököl and in Ráckeve: the Summerfest Folklore Festival in August and the events of Serbian church fairs of the Serbian Theatre in Lórév.  But we have something  for the lovers of extrem sports too: the joy flight on the airport of Tököl or the blockage course of the Adventure Factory where you can try out your condition, independently of the weather.

We offer you adventures in every season !



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