Szigetbecse - Danube Side Guesthouse

Two minutes from Ráckeve, in Szigetbecse the Danube Side Guesthouse was built in the most beautiful part of the are, on the Napospart (Sunnyside).
The new guesthouses built with enviroment-friendly technology ensure excellent rest,quietness
and the beauty of the environment the families, friend societies.
To the three independently usable houses belong a grassy garden, where you can find garden pavilions, boathouse with boats, water-bike, and a multifunctional oven, and a garden oven and sports opportunities (volleyball, tabletennis, football, badminton).
For the children there are swings, a sandbox and a climbing frame made of wood.
The guesthouses on the riverside have their doors open in the whole year and invite visitors.
Address: 40. Napospart sor, Szigetbecse 2321
Phonenumber: +3624 523 230